Reminder: Dress is ALL BLACK PLUS bow ties!
Team captains: Rebecca (ww) and George (brass and percussion)
Schedule for Fine Art Night
3:15-4:15pm (maybe earlier) - SET UP and movement rehearsal (no instruments, just people) You are responsible for moving the PERCUSSION.
6pm - Fine arts night starts. Sign in room 151 and pick up/do your assignment.
6:15pm - warm up/last minute practicing with groups. Check in with team captains.
6:45pm - Please be ready to go and waiting either on the steps OR watching the choir.
7pm - First group is ready to go on the risers. I will give a short introduction.
7:05pm - First group starts. Order is Jurassic, Thrones, Stand by Me, Tarzan. Feel free to play a tuning note. When you finish, move to one side but be ready to come back for final pieces
7:15pm - Skyfall, Anjin
7:20pm - Move percussion to side and all except 9 chairs, 15 stands back.