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 BC Ministry of Education Standards


Explore and create

EE1·       Perform in large ensemble, small ensemble, and solo contexts

EE2·       Explore a composer’s musical and expressive intentions

EE3·       Improvise and take creative risks in instrumental music

EE4·       Adapt performance techniques, processes, and skills for use in innovative ways

EE5·       Study and perform a variety of musical styles and genres

EE6·       Explore a variety of contexts and their influences on musical works, including place and time

EE7·       Develop and refine technical and expressive skills


 Reason and reflect

RR1·       Analyze and interpret musicians’ use of technique, technology, and environment in musical composition and performance, using musical language

RR2·       Reflect on personal rehearsal and performance experiences and musical growth

RR3·       Consider the function of their instrument or role within the ensemble

RR4·       Analyze styles of music to inform musical decisions


 Communicate and document

CD1·       Document and share musical works and experiences in a variety of contexts

CD2·       Use musical vocabulary in response to musical experiences and by observing context

CD3·       Receive and apply constructive feedback

CD4·       Use discipline-specific language to communicate and interpret ideas

CD5·       Express personal voice, cultural identity, and perspective through music

CD6·       Express emotions and ideas through music


 Connect and expand

CE1·       Demonstrate personal and social responsibility associated with creating, performing, and responding to instrumental music

CE2·       Develop a diverse repertoire of instrumental music that includes multiple perspectives and contexts

CE3·       Explore personal, educational, and professional opportunities in music or music-related industries

CE4·       Explore the relationships between the arts, culture, and society

CE5·       Demonstrate safe care, use, and maintenance of instruments and equipment

CE6·       Identify and practise appropriate self-care to prevent performance-related injury

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