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Fine Arts 8 Competencies

Exploring and creating


Intentionally select and apply materials, movements, technologies, environments, tools, and techniques by combining and arranging artistic elements, processes, and principles in art making


Create artistic works collaboratively and as an individual using ideas inspired by imagination, inquiry, experimentation, and purposeful play


· Explore relationships between identity, place, culture, society, and belonging through arts activities and experiences


· Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of personal, social, cultural, historical, and environmental contexts in relation to the arts

Reasoning and reflecting

· RR1

Describe, interpret and evaluate how artists (dancers, actors, musicians, and visual artists) use processes, materials, movements, technologies, tools, techniques, and environments to create and communicate ideas


· Develop, refine ideas, and critically appraise ideas, processes, and technical skills in a variety of art forms to improve the quality of artistic creations


· Reflect on works of art and creative processes to understand artists motivations and meanings


· Interpret works of art using knowledge and skills from various areas of learning


· Respond to works of art using one’s knowledge of the world

Communicating and documenting


· Adapt learned skills, understandings, and processes for use in new contexts and for different purposes and audiences


· Interpret and communicate ideas using symbols and elements to express meaning through the arts


· Take creative risks to express feelings, ideas, and experiences


· Describe, interpret and respond to works of art


· Experience, document, choreograph, perform, and share creative works in a variety of ways


· Use the arts to communicate, respond to and understand environmental and global issues


· Demonstrate increasingly sophisticated application and/or engagement of curricular content

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