Percussion Crew: percussion
Riser Crew: Spang
Set up and take down risers + decorations, Thursday 3:30 set up
Light Crew: BQ2
Set up and take down the Christmas lights + extension cords. Thursday 3:30 set up.
Chair & Stand Crew: Summer's Group, Clarinet Duet
Move all chairs + Stands from Band room to Atrium/second floor. Also find the high chairs on the second floor. Thursday 3:30pm set up.
Table crew: Clarinet Gang, Saxophone Crew
Set up tables and cover. Prepare decor for tables. Move tables from library to hall . Take down tables at end of night. Thursday 3:30 set up, 6pm put out decor.
(10) Food Crew: Group Name
Set up food tables and set out food. Thursday 5:30 set up. When not playing, help with food table refills. Clean up after with table group.
Ticket Table: FOE
Set up tables and be ready to punch people's tickets in the event. Also sell tickets to people at the door. Thursday 3:30 for tables, 6:30 and when not playing to "Man the Door"
Gavin: Set up LED lights from Mr. Parker - 3pm Wednesday, Thursday 5:30
Erika & Aurora: Set up BOSE speaker & 3 mics.