Due: November 14 (or 15th)
I am looking for accuracy, fluency and smoothness of sound. Please slur as indicated.
All from memory.
Please use the metronome and take a VIDEO. Eyes closed is best.
Alternatively, you can play all the scales for me after school.
Please note which level you are at - this is not exactly the same as the bands. You are always welcome to try a harder level.
Blue Level
Quarter note = 180 OR eighth notes = 90 (hint, they are the same)
Beginners may go eighth notes at 72, and take notes down one octave as long as the timing is right.
#107, 159, 163, 167, 171,175
Olivia, Karim, Erich, Elleke, Summer, Chihiro, Will, Rhys, Xavier, Valen, Angela, Jermaine, Matei, Daniel, Ethan, Wallace, Jaden, Brian, Sarp
All CONCERT FLAT SCALES, and also chromatic.
From memory.
Eighth notes = 100
CONCERT C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, 2 octaves if possible.
Stephanie, Emma, Hattie, Matteo, David, Ghaid, Kirsten, Lissy, Maddy, Alex, Tommy, Ingrid, Kate, Frank, Jeremy, Penny, Eddie,