FA-8 ALL CLASSES (1-3, 1-4, 2-3, 2-4)Sep 5, 2019Welcome! Glad you found the website. Please complete the following formFine Arts 8 Welcome to Music Form
Welcome! Glad you found the website. Please complete the following formFine Arts 8 Welcome to Music Form
Happy Summer Holidays!Jul 10, 2019Lots of musical things to do in town, check out these links https://vancouveracademyofmusic.com/summer-programs/ https://vsoschoolofmusic.ca/program-category/summer-programs/ Music festivals - good places to volunteerVANCOUVER FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL https://thefestival.bc.ca/artists-2019/ SUMMER MUSIC in Vancouverhttp://www.musicinthemorning.org/2019-summer-music-vancouver-full-schedule/
Lots of musical things to do in town, check out these links https://vancouveracademyofmusic.com/summer-programs/ https://vsoschoolofmusic.ca/program-category/summer-programs/ Music festivals - good places to volunteerVANCOUVER FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL https://thefestival.bc.ca/artists-2019/ SUMMER MUSIC in Vancouverhttp://www.musicinthemorning.org/2019-summer-music-vancouver-full-schedule/
FA 8 ListeningJun 12, 2019Here's the link to the last few listening logs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHMjCLt6lN0 pick ONE story line and talk to me about two moments where the film matches the music.
Here's the link to the last few listening logs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHMjCLt6lN0 pick ONE story line and talk to me about two moments where the film matches the music.