Happy Summer Holidays!Jul 10, 2019Lots of musical things to do in town, check out these links https://vancouveracademyofmusic.com/summer-programs/ https://vsoschoolofmusic.ca/program-category/summer-programs/ Music festivals - good places to volunteerVANCOUVER FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL https://thefestival.bc.ca/artists-2019/ SUMMER MUSIC in Vancouverhttp://www.musicinthemorning.org/2019-summer-music-vancouver-full-schedule/
Lots of musical things to do in town, check out these links https://vancouveracademyofmusic.com/summer-programs/ https://vsoschoolofmusic.ca/program-category/summer-programs/ Music festivals - good places to volunteerVANCOUVER FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL https://thefestival.bc.ca/artists-2019/ SUMMER MUSIC in Vancouverhttp://www.musicinthemorning.org/2019-summer-music-vancouver-full-schedule/
CongratulationsJun 7, 2019Congratulations on a fine Year End concert everyone!This next few weeks we all have one final assignment to do, so make sure you come to class regularly. Things planned for next week include glows and grows, do and don'ts video, and charades.
Congratulations on a fine Year End concert everyone!This next few weeks we all have one final assignment to do, so make sure you come to class regularly. Things planned for next week include glows and grows, do and don'ts video, and charades.
Fine Arts NightMay 21, 2019Congratulations to all for a great performance at fine arts night.Thank you for helping set up and tear down, as well as playing in front of your peers. I have received many positive comments!
Congratulations to all for a great performance at fine arts night.Thank you for helping set up and tear down, as well as playing in front of your peers. I have received many positive comments!